may 07th - 13th / SOLD OUT
may 14TH - 20th / sold out
The Power of Surrender
Surrender is the blossom of trust. It means dropping all masks and all limitations. Surrender is freedom beyond judgments, labeling mental & emotional resistance.
Join a safe place to move beyond your fears and limitations. Twist & turns, forward bends & backward bends, inversions & restfulness. All to take with greater ease, stability and calm.
We will also discuss some key yogic philosophical concepts, including Sutras and Samskaras (mental dispositions, recollections and psychological imprints).
We project our assumptions, expectations and fears on the present-moment situation, but throughout this week we will re-free ourselves.
A serene and abundant natural reserve born with the intention to reconnect to ourselves and nature with a sense of love, reverence, and harmony.
With the utmost respect to the natural ecology, accommodations are restored Kathikies (traditional Greek stone farmhouses) that date back hundreds of years, merging into the hill’s rocky habitat and overlooking an endless ocean view.
All the land is part of the property, which includes a vegetable garden, olive grove, vineyard and both beach side and hillside suites
Yoga Classes
Morning Offering
A fusion of Hatha Yoga & Vinyasa Flow: Start the day with a mindful & dynamic class focused on alignments, Ujjayi breath and core activation. We will play around with balancing poses, variations & transitions.
Evening Offering
A fusion of Hatha & Yin Yoga: End the day with a relaxing and calming class focused on muscle stretches, heart opening and hips & lower back release. Guided meditations will also be offered.
Special Offerings
Partner Yoga
This practice allows two people to relate to one another through assisted postures. You will feel the weight of your partner during the class as if you were receiving constant adjustments. From stretching your levels of trust to strengthening your communication, we will be communicating mostly nonverbally to deepen our body-awareness.
Inversion Workshop
Yoga inversion is a category of asanas that place your head below your heart, therefore inverting your body. Many yogis experience a certain degree of fear when asked to turn upside down. During this class we will break down inversion poses from the ground up to understand their fondations. A workshop designed to gradually build up your confidence and capacity step by step. We will work in a duo, using the wall and props.
Acro Yoga
A combination of yoga, acrobatics and Thai massage designed to build trust, strength and connection. A playful and therapeutic form of yoga to overcome your fears in a safe environment.
The Island
In the island's inland, you will find a lush natural paradise with forests and cultivations in abundance. In the heart of the island sits its ancient capital Ioulida, where architectural traces from different historical periods can be visited. Ioulida is the most preserved of the four ancient cities of the island and holds an extensive network of trekking paths that remain a great way to explore the island’s secrets.
In addition to the whitewashed architecture, Kea is full of traditional farmhouses in earthy tones, evidence of its rich agricultural history and tradition of cohabiting in the natural landscape. As for its beaches, they are mostly secluded and completely untouched allowing visitors to explore and discover intimate and beautiful virgin sandy shores.
The island's proximity to the mainland and unspoiled environment make it the perfect getaway for locals and nature lovers. Kea is a sanctuary of relaxation.
An oasis where the magic of existence comes alive in the form of beauty, spirituality and celebration
Earth to Plate
The retreat space includes a flourishing vegetable garden, large olive grove, and vineyard, all of which were planted using traditional Greek farming techniques providing an abundant, sustainable, and delicious experience for its guests. Paired with produce from local farmers and modern high end touches, all dishes embody a local, plentiful, and flavorful Greek quality.
Enjoy 3 abundant and delicious meals each day by Uri, our Michelin trained chef.
Throughout the past 7 years, Uriel completed extensive studies in farm-to-table culinary arts at the International Culinary Center in NYC and has spent time working at a number of the world’s most acclaimed restaurants – Noma, Ikoyi, Amass, Estela, and Blue Hill.
Six days to cultivate a deeper connection to ourselves as we dive deeply into the exploration of the sacred power of trust
The interiors are whitewashed and wood toned, peaceful, beautiful and light filled. Locally produced and traditionally designed towels, pareos, robes and soaps are provided in the en suite amenities along with a private veranda and outdoor shower.
The space is one of a kind, filled with designs and artworks made by artisans from around Greece.
All the rooms are double occupancy with two single beds that can also be setup as a queen bed for couples.
Retreating with us
6 nights in an upscale room with a private balcony
Two yoga classes per day
Nature activities : hiking to Illoulida, kayaking, snorkeling
3 abundant and delicious meals each day by Uri, our Michelin trained chef.
Vegan / Vegetarian / Pescatarian options are available
One group dinner at Kea Retreat’s family’s taverna
Yoga equipment and accessories : mats, blocks, bolsters, straps, and blankets
Open poolside bar and healthy snacks
Pickup and drop off at ferry station
Swimming pool with in water lounging section
A private bay
Located in Psathi Bay on the Greek island of Kea, the retreat center is nestled within a stoney mountain range in front of a remote bay. Its virgin landscape, bountiful farm, and traditional design, allow its visitors to enjoy the silence and peace of nature and the authenticity of Greek culture.
A journey to internalize, experience, live and expand our trust.
What you will take home
You will go home feeling revitalized and grounded with a few tools to help you create a balanced yogic routine. As BKS Iyengar said "Know your capacities and continually improve upon them".
Comprehension of the asanas. You will be able to practice yoga by yourself with the right alignments to get the most out of each posture
Different pranayama (breathing techniques) to strengthen the connection between your body and mind.
Different kriyas to cleanse and purify your body
The fundamentals of the yoga philosophy
A deeper connection with your body. We will work on your body awareness throughout these six days to improve your balance and your pain management
A clearer vision of your strengths and limitations. You will have a direction to help you keep a healthy body and spine
Specific variations and modifications for your yoga practice
The retreats in 2023 are sold out. Dates for 2024 will be announced soon.
Reviews from previous retreats
« Je voulais partager quelques mots pour te dire que le travail que t’as fait avec notre petit groupe a été vraiment incroyable. Depuis mon retour à Paris je me sens recentrée, très positive vers toutes situations, je me sens très chanceuse d’avoir rencontré des femmes aussi inspirantes. Ma pratique a vraiment changé, je pense beaucoup plus aux détails, je profite du moment pour moi Merci encore un fois pour ton attention des détails, pour avoir trouvé un endroit aussi magique et toutes tes attentions envers nous. »
« Je tenais à te remercier pour cette merveilleuse retraite d’abord, pour ta gentillesse incomparable, ta bienveillance et ton énergie.
Je m’apprête à décoller avec un sentiment d’extrême gratitude pour ces jours passés ensemble, ces heures de pratique, ces rencontres, ces échanges, encore merci d’avoir rendu cela possible. »
« Merci mille fois Lisa et merci à vous toutes respectivement. C’était plus qu’apaisant et stimulant de vivre ces moments à vos côtés. »
« Je n’ai pas les mots pour décrire ces quelques jours si ce n’est qu’ils ont été au delà de toute espérance. »
« J’ai fais la retraite de Yoga au Maroc avec Lisa. Je suis arrivée en ne connaissant pas très bien cette pratique et je suis ressortie de cette semaine reposée et reboostée à bloc !! Lisa est vraiment une super prof, attentive, douce et pleine de good vibes!
J’ai adoré cette retraite et j’ai repris des cours avec elle après ça, je recommande vivement à tout le monde, les novices comme les confirmés ! »
« La retraite de Yoga au Maroc était une expérience très enrichissante. Lisa enseigne non seulement la bonne technique des asanas mais aussi la philosophie derrière la pratique du yoga dans un cadre de détente . Lisa est toujours engagée à améliorer la pratique de ses élèves.
Je recommande fortement. »
« La pratique du yoga avec Lisa est centrée sur l’écoute, le partage, la confiance, mais aussi l’échange et le challenge. En bref, la recette de la prof parfaite ! Que ce soit en retraite dans les vignes, au pied d’un moulin ou en cours à Paris, j’en reviens toujours plus & mieux alignée. Merci Lisa »
« Je voulais te remercier sincèrement pour cette retraite de yoga, ce moment suspendu, cette parenthèse pour le corps, l’âme et l’esprit. Merci pour cette rencontre. Merci de m’avoir fait découvrir cette pratique de cette manière, avec douceur, bienveillance et passion. J’espère pouvoir prolonger cette expérience à Paris. »